Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money received and spent


This form is to detail Parish/Town CIL receipts, expenditure and retained amounts[1]. It must be published by 31 December each year and copies must be available on the Parish/Town Council website and Rother District Council’s website.

Reporting Period: 2022/2023 (1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023)

Date Submitted to RDC: 09.12.23

Parish/Town Council: Dallington Parish Council

Name of Clerk/Officer: IRENE MARCHANT

  1. CIL Receipts

Our records show the following CIL receipts have been received by the Parish/Town Council. Please can these be confirmed.

      1. 2016/2017: £0
      2. 2017/2018: £0
      3. 2018/2019: £0
      4. 2019/2020: £0
      5. 2020/2021: £0
      6. 2021/2022: £0
      7. 2022/2023 £0
      8. TOTAL: £0
  1. CIL Expenditure

Our records show the following CIL expenditure from the Parish/Town Council. Please can this be confirmed:

      1. 2016/2017: £0
      2. 2017/2018: £0
      3. 2018/2019: £0
      4. 2019/2020: £0
      5. 2020/2021: £0
      6. 2021/2022: £0
      7. 2022/2023 £0
      8. TOTAL: £0

Please provide the details of the CIL expenditure for each financial year including:

      1. the financial year in which the CIL money was spent.
      2. the items to which CIL has been applied;
      3. the amount of CIL expenditure on each item;
Financial Year Items to which CIL has been applied and amount of CIL spent
2022/23 000
  1. CIL Retained

Please state the total amount of CIL receipts for the reported year retained at the end of the reported year: £0

Please state the total amount of CIL receipts from previous years retained at the end of the reporting year: £0

  1. CIL Recovered by Rother District Council

Please provide details of any notices received in accordance with regulation 59E[2], including—

(i) the total value of CIL receipts subject to notices served in accordance with

regulation 59E during the reported year; £0

(ii) the total value of CIL receipts subject to a notice served in accordance with

regulation 59E in any year that has not been paid to the relevant charging

authority by the end of the reported year; £0

  1. Potential CIL projects

Please list any future projects that will be part of fully funded by CIL receipts, along with the timeframe of delivery (if known).

Future project Estimated cost (if known) (£) Timeframe of delivery (if known)
None £0 XXX
  1. As required by CIL Regulation 121B of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended).
  2. Regulation 59E of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations (as amended) sets out that CIL Receipts received by a Parish/Town Council in accordance with Regulation 59A or 59B must be repaid to the Collection Authority (Rother District Council) if these receipts have not been applied to support development of its area within 5 years or has been applied otherwise than in accordance with Regulation 59C. Regulation 59C sets out that CIL receipts passed to the Parish/Town Council must be spend to support the development of the local council’s area by funding the provision, improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure; or anything else that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on the area.