Z DPC Minutes 22.10.24

Draft minutes of the Dallington Parish Council meeting held on 22nd October 2024

Present: Councillors W. Miers (Chair), N. Holyoake (Vice-Chair), N. Harding, J. Gray, P. Ridley

Mrs. I. Marchant (Parish Clerk/RFO)

Members of the public

1. Disclosure of interests

None declared.

2. Dispensations

None requested.

3. Apologies for absence

None required.

4. Open Forum

A resident objected to RR/2024/1717/P, Willingford Farm, South Lane (item 5.1), stating that the boundary was far too close the next property and there is very poor access for vehicles.

5. Planning

5.1 Planning applications for consideration:

  • RR/2024/1717/P – Willingford Farm, South Lane

Demolition of existing agricultural buildings, change of use of land to residential and erection of proposed new dwelling with associated parking, amenity and landscaping.

RESOLVED: To object to this application. There is already planning permission for a smaller project (holiday let) and the proposed building is far too large. There will be a considerable impact on the immediate neighbours. Councillor Gray proposed and Councillor Holyoake seconded, the voting was unanimous.

  • RR/2024/1718/P – The Old Manor, The Street

Conversion of existing double garage ad home office with new link to create a self-contained annexe.

RESOLVED: to support this application with the following conditions – that non-reflective glass is used and subject to the imposition of a condition prohibiting the annexe being used as a separate residence. Councillor Holyoake proposed and Councillor Ridley seconded the voting was unanimous.

  • RR/2024/1719/L – The Old Manor, The Street

Listed building consent for the above application.

RESOLVED: to support this application. Councillor Holyoake proposed and Councillor Ridley seconded, the voting was unanimous.

5.2 No other planning matters for discussion.

6. Enforcement

6.1 No Dallington items on RDC’s most recent enforcement list.

6.2 No other enforcement matters for discussion.

7. Dates of next meetings

  • 26.11.25 – full council meeting
  • 10.12.24 – fulling council/planning meeting